I have recycled for years, but it was not until Alex Shoumatoff article in the May 2007 issue of Vanity Fair, "an eco-system of them," I understand that there is still much to do what I can read. Shoumatoff takes the reader through the daily routine is typical of the Americans and the resources we consume, are impressive. Following are 15 things that everyone can and should, in an effort to preserve our planet's rapidly evolving to do.
Recycle 1. Minnesota is a leader in recycling,so this is something we have done for years. We recycle newspapers, cardboard, cans, bottles, plastic and glass. Quick Tip - wash or wash the recyclable materials and will not get bugs.
2 Wash and reuse plastic bags and sandwiches. It is not difficult and there is the added benefit of saving money. It's been years since I bought a new box of plastic bags.
3 Print on both sides of the paper. One of the truly amazing facts mentioned in his article, Mr. Shoumatoffis that no federal agency of the United States, both sides of the paper used for printing documents. My father, Jerry, had this back to a science in his office, I have to do for years.
4 Use their car less or buying a fuel efficient vehicle. If you can not drive less, such as the consolidation of your trip? Since I work from home, there are infinite many American commuters, but I consolidate my commissions and appointments. The ultimate in changing driving habits is a more economicalVehicles like the Toyota Prius Hybrid or Ford. Last fall, my husband bought a hybrid Ford Escape, and I'm looking at the merger.
5 Keep a bag in the car for short trips to the store, pharmacy, etc. As already mentioned, are plastic bags to another ecological disaster for the construction, the use of limited resources and are biodegradable. First, the plastic from oil, gas and coal, which limited resources are produced. Secondly, the plastic is not biodegradable andwill persist in the environment for hundreds of years. For more information about this topic, see the Australian site Clean Up Australia and Berkeley, California Ecology Center below. More and more people bring cloth bags.
6 Hold down the fire in your home and set the air conditioning set higher. For example, we keep our thermostat at 66 degrees on average in winter days and up to 62 at night (and we live in Minnesota). For the summer we have air conditioning in76 and 78 degrees during the day and not less than 74 degrees during the night. In any case, not only conserves resources, but money, especially considering the recent fuel cost.
7 Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Once again, not only conserves resources, but can reduce the electricity bill. If you do not need the light goes off!
8 Replace incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient fluorescent lamps. Fluorescent lamps (CFLs) use less energy and have a longer ratedLife. In the United States, a CFL can save over $ 30 in electricity costs over the life of the lamp compared to an incandescent lamp and save 2000 times their own weight in greenhouse gases.
9 Check the filter for your ventilation system often and replace it regularly. The replacement can be performed every 90 days for 3-4 months, depending on the area.
10 Replace your toilet. If your home was built before 1992 and has never been replaced, it is very likely that you do not have a water-Efficient toilet that uses 1.6 gallons per flush. The difference? Some bathrooms old to 8 liters of water per flush. A bathroom is a date - the year it was made - is inside the tank is on the back. The toilets are the largest consumers of water in their homes.
11 Replace the shower heads low-flow ones. They do not even notice. Other places you can reduce water consumption is less frequent hot flashes, turn the water while brushing your teeth, and do not let waterbe executed.
12 Use the dishwasher only when full. Through this approach, I run our dishwasher twice a week against the newspaper.
13 Dispose of waste electronic devices. Another ecological disaster, eats discarded electronics landfill space at an alarming rate and put toxic substances into the ground. It will take time to community programs or companies that really old computers, televisions, mobile phones are for the disposal of household appliances and other electronic devices.We do not upgrade our phones every two years, but keep longer.
14 If you're a coffee drinker, bring the milk jug to go. Caribou Coffee houses such offer would be happy to take your travel mug and some companies to lower prices of reusable cups. Avoided in the office, Styrofoam cups as they are the scourge of 'environment and bring your own reusable cups. If your favorite drink is bottled water, instead of using a reusableThe purchase of dozens of plastic bottles a month. See the information on the plastic before.
15 Do not throw away clothes, furniture, shoes, accessories, appliances, etc. Give these items in good condition start, the Salvation Army, churches and other social services. We give several times a year on the job or in the good will and the surrounding churches, where they get a second or third life of someone who can really use them. The amount of usable goods, which the windlandfill is way ahead of their time and incredibly useless.
16 Replace other appliances - refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave and freezer - with energy-efficient models. Check with your dealer if you and recycle old devices.
These are just some of the things you and your family in order to save resources, money and our environment. But think - almost 75% of what Americans throw away can be recycled. America has become the last one-waySociety, but the conservation of land for future generations requires that all changes in lifestyle seriously.